Nestel Properties Lid is an indigenous company duly registered with the Corporale Affairs Commission We provide professional and personalized services tailored to the specific needs of a property and the goals of the property owner. We provide our residential and commercial clients with prompt on call service to address tenant needs. We show properties for rent, coordinate all appropriate repairs and maintenance coliect rents, handle security deposits, provide computerized bookkeeping services, do reguiar property inspections, and complete all accounting records.
We give you the experience and the established market presence you should expect of your property
management company.
Nestel Properties has a strong competitive position in the market, a high profile and a proven rack repora
for making both coyners and tenants happy We understand the infinite details successic
Property Management let soreening tenants, rent collection, maintenance, record-keeping and reparing above all maximizing your income and investments in property.
Our skilled competent and dedicated staff are always at hand to help you towards achening your desired goals.
Our vision is to strive for and attain market leadership through effective and efficient delivery of first-rate services with a perfect blend of technology and processes
Our mission statement is "absolute unconditional commitment to the value enhancement of our client's property through * Superior Customer Service delivering exceptional quality, and uncompromising dedication from our company.
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